
How To Convert Dynamic Disk To Basic Disk Using Cmd Without Losing Data

Q: Tin I catechumen dynamic deejay to basic in CMD?

"There are three hard disks on my laptop: i 500GB bones disk that contains Windows 10, two 1TB dynamic disks. Now, I desire to change one dynamic disk to basic deejay. Is it possible to complete deejay conversion from dynamic to basic using CMD? How to practice it?

A: Yes, y'all tin!

If the dynamic disk is not unallocated (without any volumes), you can directly convert information technology dorsum to basic. If at that place are volumes on the dynamic disk, yous need to delete all volumes at get-go and and then you lot can catechumen the disk to dynamic. Otherwise, you volition encounter the error: The disk is not empty when you lot convert the disk into basic using CMD.

The Disk Is Not Empty

Cheque out the following steps on how to convert a basic disk to a dynamic deejay using CMD in Windows 11/10/8/7, when the dynamic deejay contains volumes.

Warning: "delete volume" command will erase all data on the book; if you don't want to suffer from data loss, you lot can support of import data in accelerate. Or yous tin turn to third-political party software to convert dynamic into basic without losing information.

Step 1. In the search box, blazon "cmd" correct-click Command Promptand cull Run equally administrator.

Footstep 2. Type the commands given below and press Enter key later on typing each command.

◆ diskpart
◆ list disk
◆ select disk due north, ("northward" refers to the disk number of the dynamic that you want to convert)
◆ list volume
◆ select volume m,("m" is the number of the volume on the dynamic disk)
◆ delete book (repeat these two commands to delete all volumes)
◆ select deejay n
◆ catechumen basic

Convert Dymaic Disk To Basci Cmd 1

Convert Dymaic Disk To Basic Cmd 2

After Diskpart successfully converted the selected disk to bones format, yous can input exit and hit Enter to close this window.

PS.:When there is more than than 1 volume on the dynamic disk, repeat select volume thou and delete volume to delete all volumes on the dynamic deejay.

Hands convert back to bones disk without deleting volume

You lot can use CMD to catechumen dynamic deejay to basic, but information technology can brand all information gone. To avoid data loss, you need to back up data so restore the data afterward converting. The process can be a lit bit complicated and cumbersome. What's more than, if the dynamic deejay contains Bone, you won't exist able to delete system volume when the system is running.

Thus, if you desire to convert kicking dynamic disk into basic without losing information or desire to complete conversion effectively and but, it'south recommended to use AOMEI Segmentation Assistant Professional person. This software'due south congenital-in tool, AOMEI Dynamic Disk Converter, allows you to catechumen dynamic disk to basic disk without deleting any volumes. Likewise, AOMEI Segmentation Assistant Professional supports yous to convert system MBR disk to GPT without data loss, perform Windows difficult drive bootable clone, etc.

It tin work under Windows 11/x/viii.1/8/vii, XP, and Vista. When you lot are a Server user, please utilise AOMEI Partition Assistant Server, which can be used under Windows Server 200/2019/2016/2012 (R2)/2008 (R2)/2003, and then on. Now, come across how to use it to convert dynamic disk into basic without volume deletion in Windows eleven/ten/eight/7.

Step 1. Install and run AOMEI Partition Banana Professional. Click All Tools and Dynamic Disk Converter.

Dynamic Disk Converter

Step 2. Choose one between Convert a dynamic deejay back to basic disk and Convert any dynamic deejay book to bones sectionalisation and click Side by side.

Choose Method

Step three. Select the dynamic disk that you want to catechumen to a basic deejay. Then, click Next and Continue.

Select Dynamic Disk


Stride 4. When the conversion is completed, click OK to restart your estimator, and then you can see that the deejay has been converted to basic.

Finish Ok

Further reading: Virtually basic disk and dynamic deejay

All the above content has demonstrated how to convert dynamic disk into basic using CMD or third-party software AOMEI Partition Assistant Professional person. Here volition show y'all the differences between dynamic and basic disk and when you tin can convert deejay between basic and dynamic.

Basic disk, a kind of storage blazon, supports GPT and MRB partition styles. It is almost commonly used with Windows and supported by all Windows operating systems from MS-DOS to Windows Server 2019. Information technology can contain chief partition, extended partition, and logical partition, which are called basic volumes. You can extend, shrink, delete basic volumes and all these operations are confined in one disk. For example, you take two basic disks: ane with a partitioning running out of infinite, 1 with enough unused infinite; but you lot are not immune to add the unallocated space into the partition that is full.
Dynamic disk, too every bit bones disk, is a kind of storage blazon and supports GPT and MBR. It is not compatible with all Windows operating systems and can exist used in Windows Server Os, Windows 11/10/viii.1/8/7, XP, and Windows 2000. But information technology is more than flexible than a basic disk. It tin can contain simple volumes, spanned volumes, striped volumes, mirrored volumes, and RAID-five volumes, which allows you to do much more basic disk, such every bit than enables y'all to data between two or amid multiple tasks.

In a nutshell, if your OS supports dynamic disk and you need to merge multiple unallocated spaces from different physical disks, create a copy of data in mirrored volume, improve disk performance with striped volume, and and so on, it's not a bad choice to convert basic disk into dynamic.

When your basic disk contains partitions that will be nonfunctional afterward conversion, such as OEM partitioning, when yous need to install OS on the basic deejay, when there are two or multiple boot environments on your disk, it'south not recommended you to catechumen it from basic into dynamic. If you have accidentally converted a basic disk into dynamic, yous can convert it back to bones using CMD or AOMEI Division Banana Professional person based on your specific situation.

How To Convert Dynamic Disk To Basic Disk Using Cmd Without Losing Data,


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